Collin College Student Led Private Discord


General Purpose

I created this server for a couple of reasons, I wanted trusted Collin College students to have a platform to talk about class with their peers without any Collin College involvement, talk about professors, classes, extracurriculars, and have a safe place to rant, vent, or talk shit if needed.  This server is only intended for Collin College students, no teachers, TA's or Faculty will be invited to this server.  This server is also a safe place for non-Collin individuals to ask questions through a moderated, locked down channel and get answers from real students that might not be on Collin's info page.  This is all for the safety of the server and individuals in the server.

Server Info

As stated above, I created this server as a fun and collaborative place to connect with Collin College peers without any involvement from the College.  This is a safe place.  While there are rules and guidelines for safety, the server is built off of a free speech model where you can say anything that would not attack or defame another member.  We have an ever-growing administrator team that moderates the server along with plans to add more members as moderators to help keep the server functioning properly, and to keep everything in order.

Discord Server Joining Information

Privacy Statement

This is a fully student run server. There is no affiliation or collaboration with Collin College in any capacity and there never will be.  We do not allow the sharing of recordings, snippits, or sharing of class documents to the public portion of the server to refrain from infringing on copyright laws.  Members are required to have specific private class channels if they wish to share information from a class they attend.  If a person is found sharing copyright information, the students will be given a warning and kicked from the server for 30 days and the copyright information will be removed from the channel immediately.

No personal information will be given out from any member on the server.  The only information required to share, is your name, your Collin College email address, and if neccesarry, your Collin College ID picture, all for verification purposes to keep the environment safe.  This information is only seen by administrators, who are Collin College Students themselves.  We verify that each Member is who they say they are.  If anyone on the server is found to be doxing (releasing personal information without the permission or knowledge of the person who owns the informations) will be removed from the server and permanently banned.

Collin College rules and guidelines do not apply to this server in any way.  This server is a tool for collaboration and communication for students.  We are not responsible for allegations or actions of; cheating, lying plagiarism, offensive language, defamation, deceit, or conversations about Collin College classes and any other Collin College related information.  Since we are not owned or affiliated with Collin College in any way, anything that happens on the server cannot and will not be held against any student or member by Collin College standards or procedures.  Information on the server cannot be used for diciplinary action against a Collin College student and will not be shared with faculty.